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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Cara Menguruskan Berat Badan

Hay,ni gw postingin cara menguruskan berat badan,gw dpt ni cara dari om gw dan tu pun berhasil.Dalam 3 hari udh turun 3 kg gila gk?! hehehehe,
Ni lasung aja:
Gunakan ramuan daun salam untuk mengurangi berat badan hingga berat yang diinginkan. Cara membuatnya adalah dengan merebus segenggam daun salam yang telah dibersihkan dengan dua gelas air. rebus air bersih dan daun salam hingga airnya tinggal satu gelas tersisa. Setelah itu minum saat hangat-hangat kuku setiap hari satu gelas sampai berat badan yang diimpikan tercapai. Semoga berhasil, jika bermasalah hentikan minum rebusan daun salam, kerena mungkin tidak cocok dengan anda.


Selamat Mencoba:D


1.hey meet my new friend, new soulmate, and my new life. Her name is you icon smile Gombalan Maut Bahasa Inggris
2.i really want to end up in heaven, and God eased me by bringing heaven to earth on the day you were born.
3.watching the olympics is once in 4 years. but talking to a beauty like you can only happen once in a lifetime
4.can i have a duet with you? oh not in singing, but in my entire life icon smile Gombalan Maut Bahasa Inggris
5.i know why today is so cloudy. all the blue in the sky is in your eyes icon smile Gombalan Maut Bahasa Inggris
6.do you know what time during the day is the happiest one for me? it’s the time i see your name on my cellphone.
7.i don’t wanna be a president. i don’t wanna be a millionare. i don’t
8.wanna go to the moon. seeing you smile and laugh is more than enough.
9.seeing her smile for the first time is really #amemoryyoucantforget for the rest of your life.
10.if every time i think of you a mountain erupts, i’m afraid i’m gonna have to forget you. the world will come to an end.


Laugh story

Mungkin kita udh biasa denger cerita kocak dlm bahasa indonesia,ni gw posting cerita kocak bahasa inggris karya gw....

Why Red Indian Names Are Long?

A little Red Indian boy asked his father, the big chief and witch
doctor of the tribe, "Papa, why is it that we always have long names,
while the white men have shorter names - Bill, Tex or Sam, for example?"

His father replied, "Look, son, our names represent a symbol, a sign,
or a poem for our culture --not like the white men,
who repeat their names from generation to generation. Also, it is part of
our makeup that in spite of everything, we survive.

For example, your sister's name is Small Romantic Moon Over The Lake,
because on the night she was born, there was a beautiful moon reflected
in the lake.

Then there's your brother, Big White Horse of the Prairies, because he
was born on a day that the big white horse who gallops over the prairies
of the world appeared near our camp and is a symbol of our capacity to
live and the life force of our people.
It's very simple and easy to understand.wkwkwkwkw


Dowlaoad Lagu

Skor Pertandingan
Jumat, 22 Juni
Sabtu, 23 Juni
Minggu, 24 Juni
Senin, 25 Juni
4 (p)
Kamis, 28 Juni
Jumat, 29 Juni
Senin, 2 Juli
Pemenang SF1
Pemenang SF2

Ayah dan Bunda

Engkau adalah
Rembulan yang menari
Dalam dadaku
Engkau adalah
Matahari yang menghatkan

Ku mencitaimu
Seperti engkau mencintaiku
Akan selalu
Kukenang jasamu
Sepanjang hidupku
Hingga ahkir hayatku

Ni puisi q persembahkan kepada Ayah dan Bunda yg kucinta

True Friend

A pal is one
With whom you can have fun
Who'll listen to you and talk
With whom you can share a joke
One you can drink with
And who with you will dine
One with whom all will look rosy
All pretty and all fine...

But when comes adversity
You'll seldom find him by your side
And even if stay does he,
Not long will he abide.

A true friend is one
With whom you can talk
'bout all under the sun
With whom you can laugh and joke
Drink, dine and have fun
And who to you will lend a ear
With him all will be Okey doke'.

Then, when hardship knocks...
You'll find him by your side
You he'll never leave
But try best to you guide
When you sigh, he'll too heave
When you fail to succeed
He'll try to bring to fruition
Your deed
When you fall sick
He'll bring relief
When the whole world mocks,
He'll stand by your belief
If all else the other way looks
He'll share your grief
Even if harm befalls ye
He'll stand in its way
And will not hesitate even a bit
To endanger his life, to lay down it.
And prove that a friend in need
Is a friend indeed!

Such a friend is hard to come by
Who'll laugh with you, with you who'll cry
So if ever one you get,
Try to be worthy of your mate
And see that never breaks the bond
That you with him ties fond.

A Best Friend

A best friend
is always there,
whether you need advice,
or a pep talk,
or even a shoulder to cry on.
A best friend
listens with her heart
and is always honest with you,
even though the truth
may not be
what you want to hear.
A best friend
knows all your secrets,
understands your fears
shares your dreams.
A best friend
never stops believing in you
even if you give up
on yourself.
you are
that kind of friend
to me.
And no matter what happens,
you always will be.
You are my best friend....
my forever friend.


Pragmatic Poetry

Smile to me and don't leave me
Cause you're my heart please dont leave me alone
You gave me your love with all your heart
I never have this kind a girl like you before

It's not cliche it's real
I just need you to believe
I will never treat you bad
Cause you're the one that I love

As the time goes on
That doesnt really matter it couldnt change our heart
And no ane will ever be
Cos your love always on my heart it kept me warm

No one seems to care
But we dont really care


Bambang Pamungkas

Siapa sih yg gk kenal Bambang Pamungkas?ni adalah idola saya,gua sudah sejak kecil mengidolakan bambang yg kerap di sapa BP.Ni gua kasih tau biodatanya:

Nama  : Bambang Pamungkas
Lahir   :Salatiga,10 Juni 1980
Karir   :1999-2000 di Persija
            2000-2001 di EHC Norad
            2001-2004 di Selangor FC
            2004-Sekarang di Persija

Sekian Postingan gua

He'm ni lgi jaman-jamannya anak abg sekarang pada terpengaruh pada pergaulan bebas.

Ni lasung point-pointnya:

1.Bila tidak ada acara yg memang penting,usahankan untuk tidak keluar rumah
2.Jagan pergi ke waret bila tidak ada tugas* sekolah karen akan menyebabkan kita untuk membuka
   situs porno              
3.Bila belum cukup umur,sebaiknya untuk menunda dulu hal berpacaran,sebab bila belum cukup
   umur anda bisa terjebak dalam hubungan yg menggiring ke pergaulan bebas
4.Kuatkanlah iman anda sesuai kepercayaan yg anda pegang

Sekian saran gue,semoga berguna bagi anda... :D

Nie gua kasih tau larangan meletakan hp

1.Jangan taruh di Saku :Ni khusunya Bagi para pria yang senang meletakkan ponsel di saku celana, sebaiknya dipikir ulang dech.. Alasannya, ponsel menghasilkan paparan medan elektrostatik & elektromagnetik yang mengakibatkan infertilitas (ketidaksuburan) lelaki.

2.Jangan letakan dekat barang elektro :Jangan gunakan ponsel ketika sinyal lemah dekat dengan barang elektronik berpresisi tinggi. Barang elektronik mengeluarkan medan elektonik yang tinggi yaitu, TV, oven, kulkas, dll.. Perangkat berdaya listrik tinggi dapat merusak sirkuit ponsel terbakar.

3.Jangan letakan di suhu tinggi :Tempat bersuhu tinggi, kelembaban tinggi, & berdebu merupakan kumpulan musuh ponsel Anda. Mungkin anda tidak menyadari sering “menjemur” ponsel Anda di dashboard mobil, dekat jendela & bagasi.

Nie 3 saran gua,hati* klau loe pada naruh hp
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